Unlucky Coins Part 1

Oct 13, 2019 23:25
Unlucky Coins Part 1

Yesterday, I introduced 'goen-dama' (五円玉 - "five-yen coin") as a popular offertory coin.

On the other hand, there are two unpopular coins as offertory money -- they are 'jūen-dama' (十円玉 - "ten-yen coin") and 'gohyakuen-dama' (五百円玉 - "five-hundred-yen coin").

The kanji character 十 of 十円玉 can also be read as 'tō' (とお).

'Tō' can be written as 遠, which means "distance."

In addition, 'en' (円) has the same sound as 縁, which means "relationship."

That is to say, 十円 implies the unlucky term 'tōen' (遠縁), which means "distance relationship."
縁起の悪いお賽銭 Part 1




「とお」は "distant" を意味する「遠」を表すことができます。

また、「円」は "relationship" を意味する「縁」と同音です。

すなわち「十円」は、「遠縁」("distant relationship") を暗に意味し、演技がよくないというわけです。